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Ampaire // Get on the fast track

Awesome, we'll be in touch. Let's FLY.

Radical savings for your fleet and the environment.  

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All Electric





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How we stack up today

Awesome, we'll be in touch. Let's FLY.

Radical savings for your fleet and the environment.  

Clear Skies Ahead.

Aviation is the hardest industry to change, let alone decarbonize. But it’s possible, as Ampaire proves with its three hybrid-electric prototypes–the largest fleet of electric aircraft in the world. 

We are well on the way to certifying the world’s first hybrid-electric regional aircraft, the nine-seat Eco Caravan. And from there the sky’s the limit, with larger hybrid aircraft and eventually fully-electric ones. 

It’s exciting to be at the leading edge where the fresh air and fresh thinking is.

Read more about our latest order from Azul Conecta.

Aviation is the hardest industry to change, let alone decarbonize. But it’s possible, as Ampaire proves with its three hybrid-electric prototypes–the largest fleet of electric aircraft in the world. 

We are well on the way to certifying the world’s first hybrid-electric regional aircraft, the nine-seat Eco Caravan. And from there the sky’s the limit, with larger hybrid aircraft and eventually fully-electric ones. 

It’s exciting to be at the leading edge where the fresh air and fresh thinking is.

Read more about our latest order from Azul Conecta.

Clear Skies Ahead.

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